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Version: v2.0.1

Config File

The INI format defines a set of configuration options to initialize and run the models.


The forrmat we use follows the DUNE ini file convention. In short, the data is composed of a key–value pairs on the form key = value.


Characters followed by hash # will be ignored.

# line comment
key = value


An entry is given by a key-value pair and must be entirely contained in one line. Additionally, keys must be unique.

id = value
id = val
# error: repeated key 'id'


A key is a string which may be contained on a common group of parameters by preceding the line with the group name between brackets and/or by preceding the key by the group name separated by a dot. Notice that the two forms may be combined.

As an example, the three following INI files, are equivalent

# No preceding section
section.subsection.first = 1.0
section.subsection.second = 2.0