Install Package
Debian 11 users who want to use DuneCopasi with its Command-Line-Interface can install it through the package manager:
- Debian 11 (apt)
curl -fsSL -o dune-copasi-runtime.deb
apt install ./dune-copasi-runtime.deb
Once installed, the program dune-copasi
will be available on the command line:
Command Line Interface of DuneCopasi
~$ dune-copasi --help
USAGE: dune-copasi [options]
Numerical simulator for diffusion-reaction systems on single or multiple compartments
Website: <>
-h / --help - Display this help.
--help-full - Display this help with long descriptions.
--version - Display the version of this program.
--parser-default - Display the default parser.
--parser-list - Display the parsers available for this program.
--dimension-list - Display the grid dimensions available for this program.
--dump-config - Dumps configuration in the INI format to stdout.
--config=<string> - Specifies a config file in INI format. See Configuration Options.
--{key}={value} - Overrides key=value sections of the config file. See Configuration Options.
USAGE: dune-copasi [options]
Numerical simulator for diffusion-reaction systems on single or multiple compartments
Website: <>
-h / --help - Display this help.
--help-full - Display this help with long descriptions.
--version - Display the version of this program.
--parser-default - Display the default parser.
--parser-list - Display the parsers available for this program.
--dimension-list - Display the grid dimensions available for this program.
--dump-config - Dumps configuration in the INI format to stdout.
--config=<string> - Specifies a config file in INI format. See Configuration Options.
--{key}={value} - Overrides key=value sections of the config file. See Configuration Options.
Configuration Options
For more information on the possible options to successfully run a simulation, make sure to visit the Command Line Interface, the Configuration Options, and the Tutorials documentations!
To remove the package, remove the dune-copasi-runtime
with the package manager:
- Debian 11 (apt)
apt remove dune-copasi-runtime